Do you ever feel bullied by your child?
Do you ever have a sense of dread because they're just about to come home from school?
Are you worried for your safety?
Are you on the receiving end of just really challenging behaviour that you can't, you can't discuss with your friends, because you actually feel quite ashamed?
And yet it probably isn't your fault. It's not something that we have to blame anybody for. Are you feeling frustrated, helpless, hopeless, depressed, worried, worried for them, and how they're going to turn out as adults if they're like this at the age 5 or age 10?
My name is Gill Tree and I started Stressed Parent because I was the stressed parent. I adopted my son when he was three, and he had so many challenging behaviours. And through therapeutic parenting and learning a specific programme called Nonviolent Resistance, I learnt how to put up resistance to the challenging behaviours, to hold my authority, to stay present with my child, and to influence those behaviours to be changed. I would love to do the same for you. I've got lots of e-books on my website so go and have a look at those at and I look forward to helping you on that journey of recovering from this - these challenges and having more calm in your life and definitely a whole lot more harmony.
"‘Useful to experience the exercises and devise simple everyday exercise/rhythmic programme that carers can use with children’."
- Alison Field – Social Worker -
GM Tree Training Ltd
5 Clumber Drive
Somerset BA11 2LG
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)7392 745790
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