Touching Stories; Massage and Metaphor

Published on 30th March 2021

Touching Stories:Massage and Metaphor- free pre-recorded webinar

I recently gave this webinar for Adoption UK and you can view the recording here.

Story massage is a really simple way to bond with your child and help them heal some of their issues through metaphor. 

Storytelling has earned its place as the most important tradition humans possess. We associate with a story, imagination is roused and connections are made with ah ha moments in the land of possibility. Stories can deliver messages to the sub-conscious mind where there is no resistance.

Metaphor builds connections, allowing learning to take place and effecting change. If a picture paints 1000 words, metaphor paints 1000 pictures.

The power of story telling and metaphor cannot be underestimated. This combined with touch creates an incredibly powerful language that reaches deep into the unconscious of the recipient and begins to instal new neural pathways. Story massage can be used very effectively to help your child embrace their life story.

Try some story massage over the Easter holidays. It is relaxing to give and receive and everyone benefits from a massive release of the nurturing hormone oxytocin. It's a great way to spend relationship building time with your children.



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"Gill Tree's Adoption Support course on Building Resilience was just what I needed. The workbook and exercises made you think about stress and how you handle it. The Stress course was both interesting and useful. It felt like Gill was interested in me, it was almost like having her in my living room! I was able to go through the course at my own speed and access it as and when I needed and wanted to! It is something I probably need to revisit after some time and I would be keen to use this type of format again now I know it works so well! Thank you Gill""

- Nikki Wilson Murray -

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