How high are your stress levels as an adopter ?
I know that at times my stress went through the roof (and I’m a stress management expert!) but peace and harmony are more the order of the day in our home now (well mostl!y).
I am just so glad that I got control back (from a 3 year old who had a phd in manipulation!) and have nurtured our relationship to help him feel safe and listened to. I hate to think how our teenage years would be if I hadn’t.
And that’s the thing…
We can probably get by, tolerating and absorbing and allowing the challenging behaviour whilst they are young and then that way of being becomes our “new normal”. We adapt, get good at walking on egg shells and toughening our skin…
BUT that is not what you adopted for. Now is the time to take some action. Whether it is with me or other support, to build more harmony in your home.
Let me know if you would like a chat and we can make a time or look at my 15 minute free trial to my Building Resilience-course to get some useful hints and tips.
"‘Really great content and considering another way to respond to development trauma’"
- Deepti Walm – Social Worker -
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