First steps to change at home

Published on 5th January 2017

Take the 1st step towards more harmony at home

I often get it wrong with my son (still! after 5 years of being his mum) but I am quick to apologise, explain or repair. We have several mantras in our house and one is "Let's start again shall we?" And I guess that's what new years are for. To draw a line with what's gone before and start afresh.  I have a little book of 365 thoughts for the day and todays was " Don't let the distance to be travelled deter you from taking the first step- today". If we want things to change at home, it needs to start with us. The changes we want can seem so big that they are daunting. But like a sculpturer we need just to chip away bit by bit and a new sculpture will eventually take shape. 

Ghandi said "Be the change you want to see in the world". My son (age 8) swears and it upsets me to think what others will think. .....but then so do I. (swear I mean). Our new years resolution is to stop it and we have come up with some fun alternative non-swear words together. Who knows how we will do but its an easy small step and the activity has been fun. We have a lot of fun and laughter in our house now. This Christmas was the best ever. I feel so relaxed and refreshed from the break we've had together. I am not telling you this to impress you. I am telling you to impress upon you that change can happen. (this Christmas contrasts sharply with the year I was threatened with a knife).Things can improve. You can do it with help. And that is what Adoption Academy is here for. 

Our e-course

Whilst the advent of the adoption support fund has been extremely welcome, parents if and when they do access support can still experience huge levels of stress whilst waiting for therapies to take effect. Stress can often be placed on marriages and partnerships- the beauty of our e-course is that access to it is instant and partners can do the course together. Ask your Adoption Agency to fund your e-course through the Adoption Support Fund. See our special offer at the bottom of this blog.

The isolation issue

Many adopter feel totally alone and isolated with no one from their friends and family truly understanding the issues they face at home and live with 24/7. Going forward we are looking to develop a private facebook page and skype group mentoring for our e-course participants.

 As a special thank you for being amongst the first to show interest in our work I am giving 40% off the course until 10th January 2017, for the first 20 people to sign up. Use the code: 40%off to save £40 and bring the price down to £57. Purchase the course here.

'Wishing you a positive start to 2017 and a year where you enjoy a more harmonious family life.

Best wishes

Gill Tree, Founder 


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"Most enjoyed looking at reflexes and impact on children. Exercises can be taught to children/carers. Very interesting both for children, but also looking at my own reflexes’.er"

- Nithi Unadiat – Adoption Support Worker -

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