Adoption Academy is well placed to support families due to the personal and professional experience of founder Gill Tree. See Gill's biography. Established in 2014, Adoption Academy has worked with over twenty adoption and fostering agencies.
We can come to you to provide face to face training. Another option is blended training combining a live course with some e-learning. Current workshop subjects;
Building Resilience to Stress Less
Calming the Turmoil Through Movement and Touch
Many adopters and carers are not able to get to whole day courses and even if they attend, frustration can result when their partner does not attend. New learnings are harder to embed at home with only one parent changing their ways of being. Our e-courses once purchased can be shared with other family members.
Parents are often left waiting for an assessment for therapeutic intervention. Our e-learning can bridge that gap, empower parents, create some hope, increased their belief in their abilities and improve parental well being which will trickle down to their child.
These subjects above are also available through e-learning:
Building Resilience to Stress Less Please request a free trial.
4/ NVR mentoring for families
Clients include:
London Boroughs of Tower Hamlets, Barnet, Newham, Hackney, Bromley, North London Adoption Consortium, County Councils- Surrey, Buckinghamshire, South Gloucestershire, Coram, Devon County Council, Medway County Council, Fusion Fostering, Fostering Foundation, Adoption UK, Adopt Southwest, Adoption Southeast, Adoption Partnership Southeast.
Mission statement
To facilitate a fresh new way of parenting that enables families to enjoy harmony at home
“She used examples from her own experience as a foster carer and adopter, in a very appropriate way. I felt this helped the carers to feel at ease/understood – she gave examples of doing things wrong too and how she moved on from this too! I thought her style was very supportive but also, she was able to challenge carers thinking in an appropriate way”. Support Social Worker
''Gill Tree`s recent training on Resilience delivered to Surrey adopters was very well received. Gill was reliable, knowledgeable, engaging and able to speak from personal as well as professional experience which was highly appreciated by her audience. Participants commented `I thought the training was excellent and I learnt a lot`, `very calm and friendly trainer who explained things clearly`, `helped me learn how to manage stress, respond to behaviour and spot the triggers.' We would be very happy to commission further training from Gill in the future.''
Gillian Thrower, Assistant Team Manager, Adoption and Permanency Service, Surrey County Council
"Thank you for your honesty about what it’s like to parent an adopted child. It was refreshing and comforting. "
GM Tree Training Ltd
5 Clumber Drive
Somerset BA11 2LG
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)7392 745790
© 2021 GM Tree Training Ltd, All rights reserved