Non-Violent Resistance Packages

Non-Violent Resistance (NVR) is a simple and empowering method for families to relate with children of any age and to reduce or eradicate challenging behaviour. Lasting change can happen in just a few months for those who diligently apply the principles. Research in Israel, Germany, Belgium and the UK, indicates that NVR with families of violent children with a variety of diagnoses has a high level of efficacy in reducing violence, parental helplessness and increasing positive interactions.  View a case study here.

Make a referral 

Downloads the referral form here and return it to: Please feel free to call first, to discuss your family: 07392 745790.

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Download this flyer for you to circulate to your team

Our four packages:


1/ One to one NVR therapy, usually a package of 16 one hour weekly sessions over Zoom- includes our Hostility to Harmony E-Course (see item 3)


2/ Our Non-Violent Resistance Group Programme

We can provide a bespoke programme exclusively for your families or you can refer one family (using the referral form above) to our open course provided three times a year starting in january, May and September, one of which is evening.

(can be funded by the ASGSF) and comprises:

  • An interactive group-based NVR training via Zoom, including knowledge sharing, breakout rooms for small groupwork, Q and A’s, advice, case studies, videos, problem solving and support
  • A 38 page workbook and a booklet on NVR
  • An option to run a one-hour evening webinar for supporters to learn how they can best support the family they are concerned about (a key aspect of NVR)
  • A video about NVR to circulate to supporters
  • 3 one-hour NVR private therapy sessions for each family which both parents must attend at a time to suit, to drill down into the most effective use and application of NVR in the family
  •  A 12 unit Hostility to Harmony E-Course™ ** on NVR for each family and especially valuable for partners not attending the group work to ensure consistency between parents. Also valuable if someone misses a session
  • Provision of Zoom
  • A complete package of support to compliment the programme

Our complete package of support to compliment the programme includes:

  • Marketing flyers about the group to distribute to families  
  • Marketing copy for your newsletters- our contribution to a recent newsletter for a consortium has led to their NVR Groupwork programme being over- subscribed.
  • Provision of all joining detail communication, reminders and emails to participants
  • An optional webinar for prospective families to have their questions answered and to start to develop rapport
  • What App group for peer-to-peer support
  • Option to join Hostility to Harmony E-Course™ facebook support group
  • Evaluation forms completed
  • A written report for each family
  • A further 15 months access to Hostility to Harmony E-Course™ e-course to refresh, review and revise knowledge
  • Continued and ongoing membership of Hostility to Harmony E-Course™ facebook group
  • Access to regular podcasts and blogs with fresh ideas
  1. Maximum number of participants

    12 families and no more than 16 participants

3/ Our unique NVR video based e-course "From Hostility to Harmony"

See free trial

4/  1 hour -2 day introductory workshops/webinars for parents/carers or staff


Our Programme of NVR combined with NLP, Solution Focused Therapy and Resilience

Our NVR therapy is designed to increase the resilience of parents and carers struggling with the challenges of parenting a child with trauma, to create harmony at home, whilst developing new tools to help the child to change their challenging behaviour including:

  • Reactive, angry outbursts
  • Demanding
  • Controlling
  • Manipulative
  • Aggression or violence
  • Threatening
  • Defiance and opposition
  • Sense of entitlement
  • Extreme sibling rivalry
  • Lying and stealing

It is these behaviours than can lead to a family disruption whether that be parents divorcing or a child going (back) into care.

Non-Violent resistance is an evidence- based approach that can reduce and even eradicate such behaviours whilst improving the stability within the home, how the parent feels and their parental presence. Provision helps families to:

  • De-escalate conflict during emotionally charged incidents
  • Prioritise problematic behaviour 
  • Break the ‘seal of silence’, overcoming isolation and developing support networks within family/community
  • Raising presence and being a stabilising influence
  • Repairing the parent-child relationship through reconciliation gestures, repair and relationship based play
  • Desisting in engaging with the behaviour to disrupt the learnt and patterned negative behaviour of the child
  • Ensure extreme self-care, practice self -regulation and meet own needs
  • Develop rapport and reflective forms of communication including non-verbal
  • Discipline and natural consequences 
  • Apply NVR principles in a trauma informed manner
  • Managing the teenage years
  • Making technology safer
  • Supportive parenting to help a child reach their potential

It is not possible to put all the principles in place in one go, it may take several months and it requires a high level of commitment from the caregiver to stick with the programme. For some the principles will be challenging.The results and rewards however can be immense and effect lasting change for the child, their behaviour and the family dynamic.

"16 weeks ago, our household was a battleground. Emotions were mostly negative, and we found ourselves in a downward spiral of disaster heading towards a family break up. Now, with the tools we have learnt along the way, we are in a much better place. We are now able to handle most situations that may arise, by applying the principles of NVR through a well constructed and delivered package". Adoptive Father

Our NVR Trainer/Mentor Gill Tree

Having been a foster carer for two years Gill became a single adopter in 2011 to a highly traumatised boy with a complex attachment disorder. The family received a lot of assistance and therapy including DDP, but it was Non-Violent Resistance that turned things around. Gill was so convinced by the therapy that she trained in it professionally. Her lived experience of child to parent violence, attachment disorder and blocked care, provides her with a unique empathy and understanding for other parents and carers. 

Professional background

Gill has a background in community development, twenty years teaching stress management to industry and ten years owning Adoption Academy, providing resilience programmes and NVR. She is a qualified teacher of adults and an accomplished trainer and conference presenter.

Gill Tree was the keynote speaker at Adopt South West’s fourth conference and delivered an inspirational and engaging presentation titled ‘from hostility to harmony – changing a child’s challenging behaviour’. 

Gill weaved her own experience as an adoptive parent and her professional expertise to explain child to parent violence and offer up positive non-shaming strategies under the umbrella model of NVR. There has been a significant increase in families approaching Adopt SouthWest for support to help with challenging behaviour and child to parent violence with a particular demand for Gill.

Abraham O'Brien Service Manager Adopt SouthWest November 2022

See Gill's CV

Introduce The Non-Violent Resistance Approach to Parents and Carers by directing them to this page 


Gill Tree, Challenging Child Coach

Adoption Academy - sign-up free e-book
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31 Ways to Build Resilience as The parent of a Challenging Child

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"I was impressed by the way the Adoption Support course "Building Resilience"was structured and so easy to navigate. Gill is an excellent presenter. There was a wide range of relevant, experienced based content, delivered in an enthusiastic, caring, considered way. I enjoyed the activities and found them to be a great way of recapping on what I had learnt and adapting the strategies to suit my situation. I have learned many new ideas and found myself questioning my own feelings and behaviours"

- Gill Maddison -

adoption academy - money back guarantee

Get in Touch

GM Tree Training Ltd
5 Clumber Drive
Somerset BA11 2LG
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)7392 745790

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