Adoption Academy Training Funded by the Adoption Support Fund for Medway Council Adopters

An Interview with Bob Yule, Senior Social Worker, Medway Council – Children’s Services

Why did you engage Adoption Academy to provide the therapeutic parenting course?

I have had experience of your training before, and it was interesting and very well received. I do feel that there is a gap in what we offer our adopters and adopted children in terms of tackling deep-seated insecurities rooted in very early deprivation, and your training seeks to address this.

You mentioned that you thought that the course was unique- in what way?

You present a combination of academic knowledge and research, together with your own personal experiences of adoption, in a way that dovetails well. Perhaps the fact that you are still living the journey makes things particularly vivid! There was an emphasis on practical techniques which was very encouraging for the adopters.

How effective was the training?

You held everyone’s attention well and I felt everyone was left in an energised and positive way. It helped that you were offering practical ways forward, as well as greater understanding.

Does the approach and teaching methods differ in any way to other providers?

Your use of your own personal experiences, past and present, makes the course very engaging.

What did your adopters think about the course?

Their response was very positive.

How easy was it to obtain asf funding?

Easier than I had thought, with the new website!

How quickly was funding agreed?

About 3 weeks


Gill Tree, Challenging Child Coach

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